Holidays With a Purpose

November 29, 2017
Press Release

Walnut Creek, CA - November 30 - 91 Group Inc. is hosting an event, “Holiday With A Purpose” to benefit the , a national nonprofit that has helped over 22,000 individuals fleeing violence since 1997, focusing on immigrant women and children.

With this event, 91 Group continues to replace the traditional holiday party with one that aims at giving to an important and impactful cause. The fundraiser will take place at the Lafayette Park Hotel on Thursday, November 30, 2017 and feature live music, hours d’oeuvres, an auction and more.

In the past, Holidays With A Purpose raised more than $700,000 for organizations dedicated towards human rights and education. 91 Group has already contributed more than $400,000 to Tahirih and is asking all its partners to join in raising $200,000 more by the day of the event.

Tahirih’s award-winning model leverages the donated services of a national network of pro bono professionals that includes more than 2,000 attorneys at 400+ top-ranked law firms to maximize impact and serve as many women and girls as possible. As a result, every $1.00 donated equals $4.00 of impact. The number of lives this event will positively affects is a reward in itself and 91 wants to make sure that companies donating are prominently recognized for their sacrificial giving. Therefore, 91 Group would like to give a special thank you to all the generous sponsors:

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