
How the New Contractors.com is Improving Home Improvement

September 27, 2016

Whether you manage ten properties or one home, run a business or nurture a family, one thing is clear; property counts as one of the most valuable assets you will own in your lifetime.

And, just like anything else of value, your property requires constant maintenance, improvement, and renovations to continue functioning at its best. This is what makes the Home Improvement industry one of the largest industries in the US economy valued at over $300 billion.

Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most fragmented ones, known for extreme customer dissatisfaction. Identifying the right person for the right job has far too many times ended in horror stories. This massive industry is long overdue for a makeover that will smooth over the rough process of connecting qualified and trusted contractors to property owners, who can rest assured that both parties take equal value in the quality and efficacy of the job done.

So, why is it imperative to launch Contractors.com now?

To answer this question we have to ask: why is it that home improvement is so frequently associated with headaches, overrun cost estimates, and broken promises?

Since the digital revolution kicked Yellow Pages and Newspaper ads out the door, there have been many web-based innovations to boost business connections for contractors. But, those invented so far are mostly in the form of cold lead generation. This form of connecting property owners to contractors focuses more on how they charged contractors for leads rather than how they properly serve the property owners and the professionals to generate best possible outcome for both parties. The quality of service became diluted because the middle-man was focused on the wrong area — how they were making money off the lead rather than how well they were serving their users and fixing a problem affecting millions of property owners in the U.S. and worldwide.

Back in the 1990’s when online lead generation was created, it primarily serviced the automotive and financial industries, and found much success in those verticals.  Later, this same approach was adopted for the home improvement industry. However, it has not been able to have the same level of impact Here’s why:

  • New cars are commodities. The dealers don’t build the cars, they just sell them. So when it comes to the online lead generation models, the price is the only thing that matters to the consumer.
  • When it comes to Home Improvement, the consumer is not buying a commodity, nor is the contractor selling one.
  • The consumer is buying the services of a professional in which the price and quality of the job done is contingent upon the professional, whether or not that professional turns out a quality job at a reasonable price.
  • There are many more variables that should be involved in a service designed to connect property owners to contractors. The right model will include a level of built in accountability regarding the quality of the service offered and the commitments made by both sides.

The lead generation model for home improvement cannot be treated as if a commodity is being sold rather than a service. It opens the door for a lack of accountability and competitive pricing since no two contractor and the work are created equal.

In the past few years, we’ve seen companies attempt to use content aggregation and other strategies to aggregate consumer demand along with an out-dated lead generation model to connect property owners to contractors, but still, little innovation has taken place in making it fundamentally easier for property owners to find, communicate with and connect with trustworthy professionals to efficiently get the job done. Until now.

Building a bridge to close the gap

With over a decade of experience in online advertising in the home improvement space, we’ve seen the disconnect, and we’ve revolutionized the process to build a more stable and swift bridge between property owner and contractor.

We can no longer leave one of the biggest industries in the US economy behind in the dust of outdated technologies. Contractors.com is the first cutting-edge home improvement platform that will soon be available on both mobile and web, that will instill confidence in your ability to seamlessly and quickly get connected with a ready-to-serve professional in your area, and overtime help you better navigate the entire process until the work is complete.

Along with the ease of connection, a new level of accountability will be offered to instill confidence in the service for all parties involved.

The long awaited overhaul to the home improvement industry has arrived.

Driving it home

To celebrate our upcoming launch, we are giving away a free Tesla Model X to one of our early adopters. We invite you to join us and register at and be notified when the service is available. Let’s make history together!


The Team at Contractors.com & 91×ÔÅÄ Group

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